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Me Me Me

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Well let's see Who am I? I am the cheese goddess, well other than that in all honesty I dunno who I am yet. When I think of me I think of a girl that honestly will never fit in anywhere. I love punk rock and heavy metal, My fave singer is Mary Prankster, and my fave band is dead leaves (if u don't know them u r a deprived person). I'm the black sheep of my family, I have a lot of aquaintences but only a couple true friends.




My pants are on fire and I like it very much

Mon pantalon est sur le feu et je l'aime beaucoup

Mis pantalones es en fuego y me da mucho gusto

My friends

Well I guess I should say hi to all my friends:

Jay-U r one of the 2 sekziest gay guys I've ever met(ur tied wiff Jer) and the greatest best friend. I love u muchly:-*

Richy- you are cool and cute and I love you muchly:-*

William- Hi hunn I Love you u r so gay

Drew A. You are cool clarinets rule...BAND 4 eva <3 ya

Kay- U r omg seksay can I touch your pom poms

Jim- You are cool and u look great in ur uniform

Andy Wolpert (aka my andybear) I'm really sorry about everything and I care about u alot I don't wanna hurt u anymore U r sooo great. :-*

Princess- I love u u are soooooo gay (but ur str8) I love you anyways:-*

Luke AKA Kenome- U r so sweet and imaginative. We WILL have our island... Me & U & Jay where are u i haven't talked to u in forever I miss u and luv u :-*

David- U r 1 sexy beast I have liked u since grade 9 but since u no like me I'm glad ur my friend :-*:-*

Mikey- you are really kewl and I like ya alot (hust lets never speak of middle school)

Andy Walker- HOly shit dude u r mega cool

Robert- I barely know u but u r cool

Missy M.- u stole my intials (and shawn but u can keep him i din't want him in the 1st place) u have a baby I get to be auntie rissa yay:-D ME WUV U MUCHLY

Kathy aka DoraKitty- U R A FREAK, that's why I love ya ur one of a kind

Jenn- u r cool me luv u

Brett- U r weird and strange but ur funny so ur cool

Tony- You are a good friend (somtimez)

Jake-ur cute & for a complete and total spaz ur pretty cool...odd but cool

Joey- U r so sexy *sigh* another homo

Sari- Hey there sekzi Sari u r a special friend ;-) :-*

Piggy- hey there u sezi pig I have known u like all my life and u've always been there for me :-*

Zach R.- I've known u 4 like 4ever gawd ur weird (but ur kinda cute in a deranged freaky way)

Sarah K- U r cool & hot (and u flashed me at soundwaves)...hehe

Melissa C- U r one Krazie chickie

Syd- u r hot and me luv u and never forget gym locker room ::rape:: hehe :-*

Angela- U are blonde and weird but ur pretty ok

Sierra- You are mega cool I love u. You're the first girl at soundwaves to let me touch her boobs. Ur sexy amd U rule.

if I forgot u tell me I'll add u

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