Bienvenue, Bienvenidos, Welcome
My House

Me Me Me

My Piccyz




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Sup Peeps name's Merissa, but you can call me Rissa (everybody else does), I'm 5'5" with brown eyes.

My best friend is a really cool guy named Justin (aka Jay) He is one of the sweetest nicest funniest guys I've eva met. He's really cute and nice. He's gay but Thats why we all love him

I have my own way of speaking and thinking so if you don't understand me sorry, but I think Oscar Wilde said it best when he said, "Woman are meant to be loved, not to be understood".

I adore poetry and this is gonna be a site for all the quotes and poems I have. Well, I ain't one 4 kind wordz about me so Peace


My MoodThe current mood of Icy_fire_Kitty at

Jay's moodThe current mood of at

The internet's mood
The current mood of the Internet at

There will never ever be anyone quite like me.
I am special because I am unique.
I am stardust and dreams.
I am light.
I am love and hope.
I am hugs and sometimes tears.
I am the words "I love you".
I am swirls of blue, green, red, yellow, purple, orange, and the colors no one can name
I am the sky, the sea, the earth.
I trust yet I fear.
I hide yet I dont hold anything back.
I am free
I am a child becoming an adult.
I am me, and me is just right.

Please Don't Judge Me
Please dont judge me by my face,
by my religion or my race.
Please dont laugh at what I wear,
or how I look or do my hair.
Please look a little deeper,
way down deep inside.
And although you may not see it,
I have a lot to hide.
Behind my clothes the secrets lie,
behind my smile, I softly cry.
Please look a little deeper,
and maybe you will see.
The lonely little girl,
that lives inside of me.
Please listen carefully to her,
she'll show that she is insecure
Please try to be a friend to her,
and show her that you care.
Please just get to know her,
and maybe you will see.
That if you just look deep enough,
you'll find the real me.

This is my frog.
His name is Pride.
He's extremely cute.

Send me an email

I need some help...I'm going to find myself
If I get back before I return keep me here