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Me Me Me

My Piccyz




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This is a pic of me in 9th grade
don't I look soooooo happy

Richy and his puppy Spirit

B&W of me and Richy

This is my bestest friend jay

My fave pic of Jay
I love his hair

This is Jose
I dunno him that well but he's really cool

This is my friend Pat
He is really cool
and cute

This is Sekzi Aaron
He is a major hottie and funny and I dunno him too well
he's in a band how cool is that

This is Tony Mlodoch
He is a major dork but he's a cool friend

This is Jason
He's sooo kewl...too bad he's gay

This is Sydder'z
She is very cool

This is my friend Jenn
She's reall cool
and really short

This is David
the pic sux
he's a real cutie

I da Baby

This is seksay Mikey
He's really cool and great
i "friend love" him muchly

This is steve Leisey
but u can call him Marty tumbo or just plain Leisey
He's really cool and funny

This is piggy
I've know him for about all my life
I'll always be there for him

This is Piggy's girlfriend Sierra
She ie mega cool I love her.
She is sexy and she rules

This is my bested girl bud Missy
she is soooo cool
and there was a baby in her belly
but then it jumped out of her
and now she has a Christopher

This is piggy's bro Zach
hes such a freak
but he's still kinda cute in a dorky way

This is my friend Sarah
she is cool and sekzi
Me no get talk wiff her much but when I do she funny and nice

This means "I don't think much, therefore I might not be" in latin

This means "May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy" in Latin

This means "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" in latin

JESUS SAVES... But Gretzky gets the rebound, he shoots, he SCORES!!